Digital Literacy Tour to launch in Fairfax, VA

A few weeks ago we unveiled a set of child safety videos and this week we're kicking off our first-ever Digital Literacy Tour in the US at Robinson Secondary School in Fairfax, Virginia.

With so many kids online, we want to help families learn how to navigate the Internet in a safe, responsible, and healthy way. Teens are becoming more adept at using the Internet and they're outpacing their parents and teachers. We know that sometimes adults are hesitant to discuss these topics, for fear that they know too little. That's why we think it's important to talk to the family, not just teens. Parents and educators have a tremendous opportunity to engage their kids about their online activity and need to understand what they can do to help keep their kids safe.

Google has teamed up with iKeepSafe, a leading online safety organization, to develop an in-class curriculum that goes along with our animated video series to bring to local communities. Topics include reading web sites for truth or fiction; online citizenship; general Internet safety; and playing and staying safe on YouTube.

This Thursday, December 17, we will be piloting the new curriculum in three separate training sessions with middle and high school students. We'll also be training a group of volunteers from the local chapter of Optimist International who will develop teen mentors to continue to deliver the program in surrounding communities. After the new year, we'll be back to discuss safety tools and tips with parents from Robinson Secondary.

If you'd like attend the Thursday event and observe a training please RSVP here. The event begins at 10am, please see the RSVP form for other important information.

We think it's essential for kids to understand how to be responsible online citizens and hope these discussions will be an important part of their education. Stay tuned as we make our way around the U.S. over the next year.